Self-service kiosk become a trend in fast food restaurant Nov 19, 2019

The self-service kiosks allow customers to peruse the menu, customize their own food options and even ask for table service.


Mcdonald's  first started offering the self-service option about two years ago and is now beefing it up with new ways for customers to order and pay including by mobile means, Easterbrook told CNBC.


“What we’re finding is when people dwell more, they select more,” he said. “So there‘s a little bit of an average check boost.”


The self-service program is more advanced in international markets, and is fully complete in Canada, the U.K. and Australia, he said. Some locations in France and Germany are almost ready with the new technology.


“We do know it helps grow the business, we know it’s the right route to go down. We can’t get there quick enough in the U.S.”


Contact with Elanda for more details about self-service kiosk, hope it can help you to gain more customers at your restaurant!

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